Friday, January 27, 2012

Figure Drawing 2 hour Pose

Figure Drawing 2 hour pose

During Figure drawing class our model posed for the entire 2 and a half hours with breaks in between of course. I did several different drawings slightly different from each other as a study. This was really fun! I really need to walk in this semester and continue figure drawing as much as I can. <3

Box Figures

Box Figures for Figure Drawing Class
My final project for Figure drawing class was to use at least 5 figures in a drawing in any medium we want. I decided to draw box figures in ink because its something I have never done before. I also feel comfortable drawing box figures because it helps me determine the angles better. I regret not having a clear background in this project, however I believe it came out rather nice.

Once I have a suitable camera, I'll go back and get a better shot of this drawing. Sorry for the greyness! ;-;

Charcoal Woods~

Here's a project I worked on for my Figure drawing class! It was mostly to understand values and shapes and create an image out of it. I made many thumbnails during class to get an idea about values and shapes until I finally liked the drawing below. For the final project, I combined two of my thumbnails together to come up with a slightly altered version. Charcoal was very fun to work with during this project! My professor's only critique was that the trees combining in the background seemed to be forced upwards and not to have a clear definition of the ground as it recedes into the mountains. He really loved my 'hidden' animal in the entire portrait and my values came out pretty nice as well. 

I would love to go back and fix the problems he addressed once I have some time! Must improve! <3

Thumbnail of Project

Final Project

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sugarcube Corner for Game

Side View of Sugar Cube Corner for Game based on My Little Pony

Sketch of Front View
Front View of Sugarcube Corner

Another My Little Pony based art for the fan game I am helping out with. This one is Sugarcube Corner. I could only find side views of this house/shop. Originally I had done a side view of it, but after being told that everything had to be front view, I re-sketched the entire thing and made another one, which is the last image.

The reason why the first image looks a little 'destroyed' is because I was told that the game is about a fan fiction based on My Little Pony. In this fan fiction though, slowly everything starts falling apart into a grim world. While working on the front view image, he asked me to keep it clean and neat like the show has it. 

Random Doodling!

Sketchyness of..Random stuff

Hm, well what can I say? I was bored and started doodling! This was done during one of my art classes when I noticed I still had Adobe Flash open haha. Originally I was just randomly drawing circles using the Wacom Tablet, and then..this came out. Enjoy!

Made it to the Park!

Aaaaaand from the woods right into the park! This took a little longer for me to do, only because for some reason most of the background looked pixely..o: However, I got through that problem and am quite proud of it. ^^ The path where the apple trees show up in the background was added on, so it's not totally according to the My Little Pony show.

Path continued into Park: based on My Little Pony Show

And into the Woods~

Fluttershy's Cottage was the first part of the path, next comes the woods area. The only trouble I was mostly having was lining up the two images together so in the game it would look like one single image. :3 Although, I don't watch the My Little Pony Show, I do like the simple look they give to their background. The colors are very nice and the style of the background looks neat too. ^^
Path continued based off of My Little Pony Show

Fluttershys Cottage~ For Game

So recently, I have been helping out with a game project for someone I know. This 2D game project is based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". read it correctly, its about ponies haha. Anyways, the game is mostly to test his skills with coding and I wanted to help out any way I could.

I was asked to make a path where his pony would walk on, along its journey based on the show. I got some references from the show and tried adding my own touch. I sketched out everything on Photoshop and then used the pen and gradient tool for the finished look. I think it turned out rather well. :3

By the way, this is more of a 'fan' art.

Fluttershy's Cottage path for game, based off My Little Pony Show

Avatar Art

My avatar on GaiaOnline

Over winter break I was playing around with my Avatar, trying to give her a new look from my usual. And she ended up as a waitress! Actually..I was inspired with the Cake Mood Bubble item and all the yummy looking sweets! <3 So..yes..cake anyone? :3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Knight Practice Animation

While I was modeling my chessboard for my room, I wondered what it would be like if these chess pieces suddenly started attacking! So I quickly added joints, weighted the Knight down and decided to see for myself just how it would look. It's very short clip of the Knight jumping over its comrades, since it was just a practice test really, but I think I might go ahead and animate them!

 3D Model Knight Jumping

Friday, January 6, 2012

3D Modeled Chess Board

3D Modeled Chess Board with Pieces

After taking several Maya classes at CSUN, I realized how much I really love modeling, especially with props and background. I love putting details into each model and how intricate I can make them.
Recently, I have been working on a 3D modeled room and here's one of the props in it. A chessboard with all the chess pieces.

At first, I was really confused on how to go about making these chess pieces, but after trying out a few methods out I finally liked what I came up with! This is by far, one of my favorite models. :3

Surrealism Manipulation

Here's another project we worked on in Art 200. Creating a surrealistic image using a number of different pictures and combining them.

Surrealism Project for Art 200

Photoshop Series

A few years ago I took an Art 200 class, which is basically learning Photoshop. Although, I had experience with Photoshop before, I still learned a lot in this class! I don't see why a lot of students don't want to take this class as a per-requisite :/ It was fun! I learned how to use my new best friend, the Pen tool on it, and some tricks and tips on Photo manipulating! I was glad that the professor also required us to learn a little bit about Illustrator and InDesign, however I wish we went over those two programs a little more. None the less, it was a great experience.

One of our tasks was to create a series of three images that fit well together using several different images and combining them on Photoshop. I chose Waterfalls and masks as my theme and came up with this after finding beautiful pictures of some. I'd like to go back and work on it again one day.

Waterfall Series 1

Waterfall Series 2

Waterfall Series 3