Friday, February 1, 2013

Late Update!

Random doodle while I was sick
So sorry I haven't been on for a while! D: I've been very sick on and off and busy as well. I was researching a lot and looking up tutorials to help me improve as a 3D Artist. Lately, I have been helping out with a fan-game project, but can't really say anything about that just yet..I don't think, I'll get back to you on that! ^^; I'm learning a lot of cool new things though!

One cool news, I had entered a 3D Modeling Contest by The Art Department and DeviantArt called The Train Your Brain Challenge. I decided to enter my Art Nouveau Building Model, low and behold I was one of the 20 contestants that won 3rd place! I won a free online class of my choice at The Art Department! I will be taking their 3D I class focused on specifically hard surface, organic, and prop/environment modeling. As a mainly self taught 3D Artist, I am hoping to gain a lot of knowledge with this class. Thank you DeviantArt and The Art Department!

Anyways, I have also been posting my work on Instagram for a while now, my username: juliesart.

Finally, I have been going back and drawing a lot more, which I really should be doing more often anyways. I have a few idea's for some new models, so hopefully I'll chuck those out soon. :3

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