Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Here is the other model I've been working on for the holiday~
Model, UV mapping, lighting and rendering done through Maya with textures added through Photoshop.

Disney's Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton.

Final Render of Zero's Doghouse

Occlusion Render

Wireframe on Shaded

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Mayor of Halloweentown's Ride

It's October and that could only mean one thing..Halloween! And when we think of Halloween, of course the first thing that pops into people's minds..or at least mine, is Tim Burton's, Nightmare Before Christmas. I thought it would be really cool to model The Mayor's awesome car in celebration of this holiday. It was so much fun modeling something so unique looking!
Here is the Occlusion Render of the model. More to come!

Movie- Disney's, Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton.
3D Model- Julie Shah